
(164 papers)
DGPO: Discovering Multiple Strategies with Diversity-Guided Policy Optimization


Yolo-SG: Salience-Guided Detection Of Small Objects In Medical Images
Scalable Online Disease Diagnosis via Multi-Model-Fused Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning
Off-Policy Training for Truncated TD ($łambda$) Boosted Soft Actor-Critic
Automatic emergency diagnosis with knowledge-based tree decoding
Kiseg: A three-stage segmentation framework for multi-level acceleration of chest ct scans from covid-19 patients
Joint Medical Ontology Representation Learning for Healthcare Predictions
Attention u-net for interpretable classification on chest x-ray image
Anterior segment eye lesion segmentation with advanced fusion strategies and auxiliary tasks
How Robust is Your Automatic Diagnosis Model?
Deeptriager: A neural attention model for emergency triage with electronic health records
Combo-action: Training agent for fps game with auxiliary tasks
Bone age assessment by deep convolutional neural networks combined with clinical TW3-RUS
Automatic Diagnosis with 12-Lead ECG Signals
Approximation Algorithms for the Selection of Robust Tag SNPs
DeepEnhancer: predicting enhancers by convolutional neural networks
Enabling data and compute intensive workflows in bioinformatics
Counting clusters using R-NN curves
Network motif identification in stochastic networks
Data integration for the study of protein interactions
CH 12 Application of Proteomics in Basic Biological Sciences and Cancer
An approximation algorithm for haplotype inference by maximum parsimony
Approximation algorithms for the selection of robust tag SNPs
An integrative analysis of protein function prediction


Inferring domain-domain interactions from protein-protein interactions
Gene-finding via tandem mass spectrometry
Algorithms for identifying protein cross-links via tandem mass spectrometry


On the informational asymmetry between upper and lower bounds for ultrametric evolutionary trees
Identifying gene regulatory networks from experimental data


Trie-based data structures for sequence assembly
Trie-based data structures for fragment assembly


Sorting with fixed-length reversals